tempeh “tuna” salad

Here is a vegan alternative to the sandwich classic with tempeh.


1 package Tempeh

2 Tbsp vegan mayo

2 celery stalks finely diced

1 firm tomato finely diced

1/4 cup diced red onion

1 tsp spicy or dijon mustard, more to taste

1/2 tsp black pepper, more to taste

* variations include adding chredded carrots, onions, chives, mint etc

Chop tempeh into cubes and boil or steam for 15 minutes. Drain well. This will make the tempeh nice and tender and remove any bitterness.

Crumble the cooled tempeh into a large bowl and add the rest of the ingredients and stir.  You may want to fefrigerate it for 15-30 minutes to allow the flavors to become absorbed.

Serve as a sandwich filling or side dish.

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